ImpactSearch Feature 

Impact Search will help you find the most relevant articles

Find high impact scientific publications in your field of research in one click.

Ask their opinion!

ImpactSearch allows you to quickly identify a list of scientific articles that are both relevant and well-cited in the literature. This guarantees that you will be able to target quality scientific information in just one click!

Accurate and relevant search results

technological intelligence tools for R&D

Leveraging AI.

Save time on your monitoring projects.

Find the right article in one click !

Impact Search uses advanced algorithms to analyse data with remarkable speed and accuracy.

This functionality is presented in the form of a two-dimensional graph: the relevance on the ordinate and the number of citations on the abscissa.

Thanks to this representation, you will be able to identify in 1 click the most impactful publications in the scientific literature.

Boost your productivity and accelerate your monitoring projects.

With ImpactSearch, no more hours spent selecting and sorting scientific articles!

This powerful feature does it for you and provides you with a list of quality scientific articles on the subject of your choice in record time.

Opscidia: a tool to stay innovative and exchange with your team.

Accelerate your technology watch with an interactive platform to exchange and share information in real time with your team and create a collaborative dynamic around science and technology watch.

User testimonials of the Opscidia SAAS platform.

Learn more about collaborative intelligence with Opscidia.

Opscidia’s technologies facilitate your scientific monitoring work thanks to artificial intelligence.

Tools to deepen your research


Collaborate on monitoring projects.

The Opscidia platform allows you to work in teams on scientific monitoring projects.

CA partie projet


Detection of technological trends.

You can feed your science watch by generating graphs that analyse technology trends.

la partie trend l'outil de veille Opscidia CA


Writing of scientific reports.

With a few clicks, you can generate a synthesis of several scientific articles.

Outil de veille technologique, outil report

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