Open Access Week 2019 : Access for everyone… Yes! But How and Why?

The theme of this 10th edition of the Open Access Week is « Open for whom ? » which is a key question in our mind. At Opscidia we aim to pursue the ideal of the scientists who boycotted Elsevier’s publications in 2006 (The Cost of Knowledge movement) and even go a bit further: we believe that Open Access should be seen as an opportunity rather than a cost. We want to promote the reuse of research results for innovation, for improving policies and for a better information of the citizen. So the answer to the question is “Open Access should be for everyone”.
But what is the best path towards open and transparent knowledge sharing? Publications and research data are gradually moving towards an open model. Even if Open Access is not yet in dominant in the scholarly publication landscape, the means of access to information (legal or not) are multiplying. Hence, the situation is improving. But several questions remain under debate.
How is it possible to stay up to date with an exponentially increasing number of published scientific articles? Is open access sufficient to ensure that the general public get access to it? Is the question of delay to access even more important than the access itself (when thinking about recent health crises for instance)? What tools are needed to improve knowledge sharing?
Please come and try to answer all of these with us ! In collaboration with MyScienceWork we welcome researchers, journalists, PhD students, booksellers, publishers, professionals from the scientific world … to a nice evening of talks, refreshments and networking!
Warning : we change the location of the event. We are happy to be hosted by the Newton space, a brand new coworking combining vintage atmosphere & geek spirit at 59 Rue des Petites Écuries Paris.
Please register here!