A smart platform to accelerate innovation






Bibliographic research without Opscidia:

Opscidia effectively solves your scientific literature management issues with our expertise in artificial intelligence, knowledge management, and R&D.

Write a summary of multiple scientific articles in 1 click!

Our report assistant leverages scientific literature and generative AI to create a report from multiple scientific articles in a few clicks.

Summarize an infinite number of scientific articles.

Save time.

Integrate AI into your R&D process.

Accuracy and Consistency

Search Engine Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Our search engine, based on more than 180 million scientific documents from reference sources, is the cornerstone of your bibliographic research.

Boolean Searches

Patents, Scientific Articles, Reviews, RSS Feeds

Alerts on domains and areas of interest

Over 180 million scientific documents

Trends & Mappings Based on Scientific Publication Flows

Discover real-time scientific and technological trends and explore maps based on scientific publication flows with our Trends & Mappings feature.

Instant Trend Analysis

Optimization of Research Strategy

Customize Your Dashboards

Scientific Data + AI = Opscidia

Our machine learning algorithms are trained on a database of 180 million scientific articles.

Opscidia ensures you get the best information.

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