Free and open access publishing solutions


Opscidia is a novel platform for free and Open Access scholarly communication.

The principle of our platform is to host scientific journals led by an academic editorial  committee. Hence, the journal is run by its editorial board while Opscidia provides the software infrastructure, host the journal and assist the communication of the journal free of charge. 

If you want to learn more about our model, please check our terms of service, our manifesto, our answers to the frequently asked questions and inclusion criteria for journals.

diamond Open Access model

A diamond Open
Access model

One-stop Shop

Totally free “One-stop Shop”
for editorial committees

Innovation and scientific community oriented

Innovation and scientific
community oriented

One-stop-shop text



technological intelligence tools for R&D

Editorial process & peer-review

text-mining and natural language processing

DOI, cross-posting, long-term preservation

Diamond Open Access model



APC Free

APC Free

Open Source (OJS)

Open Source (OJS)

Academic led

Academic led


Innovation and on-demand development to fit each scientific community needs (open peer review, innovative format, etc.)

Opscidia’s scientific advisory board

Opscidia’s scientific advisory board

We are lucky to be supported by a diverse group of researchers from a broad range of disciplines, working in diverse European countries, at diverse career stages…

They will help us understand the needs of diverse types of scientists and to give us advice on new journals creation

Our partners